Location: KL, near Lot10, Sg Wang Plaza, BB Plaza, Pavilion
Rent: RM 300 monthly, including water and electricity bills.
Located at the upper floor, penthouse concept, have enough surrounding space, suitable to get-together, lepaking, watching stars.
Picture of apartment:
Picture above taken from Lot10 men's surau. Really interesting to find out that there's still something like this. :)
huh.. if something like really for rent.. i thing better i live in my tent with my green sleeping bed.. huhuhuh.. de plaz was cheap , strategic but not a plz to live lah..
yerp.. it suppose to be a joke, but somehow i dun manage to make it funny. huhu.. sad2..
tak kelakar pon
tau3.. haha.. aku ketawa sorang2 je la.. xP
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