A prize waiting for you~!
1. Be the 1001th visitor of this blog.
2. Print screen the page, showing you're the 1001th visitor of this blog!
3. Email the image to imzan_qifa86@yahoo.com.
4. Wait for the surprise prize to be send to you!
Terms and condition:
1. Participant should not be one of the Rant-ributors of this blog and their family. :D
Good Luck! :D
Guess who saw Big Bang and 2NE1 live??!!!
=D =D=D=DWill blog and post vids once I've finished spazzzzzing myself
stupid =D =D =D
13 years ago
I WON!!! but email address shown invalid la...huhu
Tahniah Onny!!!!
Hadiah dia..... Biskut Meri 1 paket...
wah.. x sangka.. nanti kita tanye iziq ye.. :D aper la yg dia nak kasi kat onny?? ahaha
ni awat aku yang kene bagi.hampeh tol.tak pepasal akulak terlibat....
biskut meri je?? huhu....xpela, leh wat kek batik, pastu leh jual....huhu
bos , cian onny ko bagi biskut je.. onny nak hadiah sebenar tanya qayyum,,..
haha.. dia kasi nanti koay je.. haha... xde benda lain nak kasi ke? macam makan ke.. karok ke... movie ke... best seket... =P
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