Sep 18, 2008


Today will be the important day for the new government! Err... Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar, that is...
Result for this election was publicized this evening, 6.50pm at Gallery, Admin Building with Candidate Syafiq became the one with most vote, followed by Candidate Shafa, Liew, Muazan, Hamdan, etc. Did you notice Muazan's name in the list of candidates above? Yes, he now already became one of the Student Representative Council representing Civil Engineering students here in Uniten! His name came out with unexpected number of vote that place him at fourth candidate with high number of vote. Really, really unexpected. Anyway, the Every-Rant-Counts Contributor and me would like to congratulate Mr. Muazan for becoming a student rep and represent Civil Engineering student here. Hope that you will do your best in completing your responsibilities for the students. We also would like to congratulate other candidates that already make it through to became a student rep council. Hope you guys will do a good job. For those who did not make it this year, do not worry because there will be another election next year (hopefully...). :)

p/s: Pictures during the vote counting session will be post soon! Keep on visiting this page! :D
p/s2: You can visit Muazan's Blog at the Blogs to Check Out section on your left of this blog!

Muazan giving his first speech as a Student Rep

Who's feet is this?? Weipin show off her new pair of high heels!

Muazan and Every-Rant-Counts Contributors

Lifting up a Student Rep!
You know, its not an easy opportunity to lift up a student rep like this. Shows that Muazan is a 'mesra rakyat' type of rep. lol. :D

1 comment:

weipin said...

eeeee... 'stalker'... curi amek my gambo... hehe... lawa the hasil of the gambar... pandai org yg pegang camera tu tp rugi nya camera tu tak canggih :P tahniah muazan... :D
