Aug 17, 2008

The Design was an Ephiphany!!!

During the I-StructE's On the Spot Build-and-Break Competition yesterday, we build this...

But... When I returned home and had nothing better to do, I wander off into the wonderful world of the internet. Much to my surprise, I found this...

This is a picture of the Eighth Newcastle/Gateshead Bridge or better known as Bambuco Bridge. It is built entirely of bamboo and spans the river Tyne from Gateshead to Newcastle upon Tyne. Located between the old Tyne Bridge and the sleek Gateshead Millenium Bridge, this bridge however was not designed to carry any vehicular or pedestrian load. This was more like an art.

Here's another view of the bridge...
Qayyum said the tower looks much like the tower of our model. Or is it?...

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