This is a true story which happened just a few hours before the post was written.
It started with a call to find the ever mysterious Nasi Lemak "Tetek" after out seminar on resume writing. Then Iziq came into the scene. He said that Faliq wants to go to KL but when called he was busy watchinng some Indian Movie. It was around 11.30 p.m.
Suddenly out of nowhere, around 11.50 p.m. Rizk got this bright idea of going for a dip in the hot spring in Malacca. He then started calling aL asking about the place. Within 20 minutes after the phone call, we were all set for the journey.
The time was 12.25 a.m. After taking some pictures with our vehicle, Rizk, Iziq, Rhaiz and me embark on our epic journey to Malacca. Barely few minutes into our journey, upon reaching the main gate, we met our most difficult obstacle. Since we are all in-campus students, we were not allowed to go out after 12.oo a.m. (macam penjara right???) but, determined not to end our journey prematurely, we tricked the guard saying thatwe are going to make a U-turn in front of the gate but instead, we went straight ahead.
Yeah!!! we passed our first and most difficult obstacle. But, the ordeal left our driver Rizk, badly damaged inside that we have to spend the rest of our journey comforting him. We all had to promise that if anything happen after our journey, we all are going to face it together like true friends should (Chewaaahhhhhh!!!!!). Apart from that, everything went okay until we reach a restaurant near Simpang Ampat Toll Plaza at about 1.30 a.m. There, only do we know that our fellow Rantributors aL and phewlett were also on their way. So, we ordered our food and waited for them.
The time was 1.55 a.m. aL and phewlett arrived at the restaurant. Unfortunately phewlett was ill so he just waited in the car while aL ordered his food. we left the restaurant at around 2.30 a.m.
We reached the Hot Springs at about 2.45 a.m. After paying RM4.00 entrance fee each, we straight away got down to business. aL was the first one to plunge into the pool while others were a little bit shy. Slowly, we all dipped our bodies into the steaming hot water until what's left was only our heads. The water was so refreshing it takes away all the stresses from the previous days (including along the journey, hahahaha) away. We felt energetic and our skin felt soft and supple.
After a few minutes of dipping in the hot water, we started cahtting among us. We talked about the previous Gradnite, which then lead to tons of other stuff. At around 3.30 a.m. aL said he had to leave because phewlett has started to feel all dizzy. So he left us there until we decided to call it off at around 4.00 a.m.
The time was 4.30 a.m. We started our journey back to our campus and stopped by Seremban Rest Area for some drinks and Yong Tau Foo. We finally reach Uniten at around 6.25 a.m.
(After everyone performed the Subuh Prayer, Rizk and Rhaiz went straight for bed while I grabbed my lappie and started writing till this post was published at 7.53 a.m.) Huhuhu.
For pictures of the crazy event, please check out the second installation of the post.
Guess who saw Big Bang and 2NE1 live??!!!
=D =D=D=DWill blog and post vids once I've finished spazzzzzing myself
stupid =D =D =D
13 years ago
the true arechong...
hoho. x ajak pun. lol.
kalo korang ajak aku pun, bukan aku bley pergi. :P
mmg x sangka acong berani gile nak wat benda camtu. haha.. dah agak dah dier mmg berdebar punye sampai kat sana.. :D dah agak pun..
pergh, al ngan phewlett pun join skali. x sangka2. sanggup diorang datang utk hot spring tu je. mmg gile.
balik uni kol 6.25 pagi? haha.. masa tu sape drive? acong jugak? x ngantuk ke? :|
nasib baik aku x jadi nak gi jalan pasar arini. esok petang baru aku pergi. kalo x sure aku kene reject ngan acong tadi.
lolz... bkn 1st time kot aku gi.. dah countless times dah... haha... tapi pasal kes ac mmg terkejut gak aku bila dengar... haha... oh.. kai mis out 1 more detail... aku sampai sana 30mins... ac amik 1 jam... wahahaa... 1/2 the time.. tapi moga2 bukan double the saman sudah
arechong sudah kira hebat la tu....
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