Well.. mine was more like being a good boy that spend the valentines day with parents... not like i had a choice la... but it was fun... more like my mum ler.. =P.. who is hapenning 1 ler...
Putting that aside.. i actually post this blog... to express how much i miss those days back then, where we spend most of the festive seasons and celebrations together. From New Year to the following new year, we celebrated all together doing stupid stuff like boxing day, birthdayz, making video for a fren over seas and so on... it was so fun... and yes.. i am so talking bout YUN
, LIPING, YEN,SHUN(i din forget this time =P), ALFRED and EUGEEN.. it was so much fun back in those days when u ppl haven started working or with a bf i might add... haha... i think i expressed enough for now... just wanna tell u guyz i miss u... and to end this.. i added a photo and yah... I DUN HAVE MANY PHOTOS OF U GUYZ WIT ME LEH... send me some will ya.. plzz?? Love u guyz and galz.. XOXO <33

~Yen Li - Me - Yun~
Jagoya.. on Valentines Day.
stupid alwyn...make ppl wanna cry!!!dem sweet la!!!i miss u all dem alot also..
so sorry for all the ffk-ing and also the absence of me most of the time...i really dun mean it...and all of u guys r my best best chi muis and heng tais forever!!!*hugs hugs hugs*...
haha.. short msg yet so meaningful. :D
hey! i fall into neither of the categories you have just mentioned. single and unemployed! so i'm really free. but i do get what you mean about everyone drifting apart :(((
can you and alfred at least pass me an external so that i can transfer the pictures? i have loads of albums actually.
and err yun has a blog with the title chocolate lover!!! only thing missing is the contents
lolz.. serious? haven hear she mention bout it... n i din mean drifting apart.. its just that we dun spend much time together.. haha.. soon u will go work dy mer.. and me also ler... haih... and thx liping... for umm.. consulting me.. haha. i not tat emo nemo ok? =P still surviving 1.. =P free cal me yum cha ler..
i miss you guyssssssss T.T
shitz lar why must we work huh?? imagine if we didn't have to work/study wah confirm damn nice edi sigh *bimbotic rant
k see you all on yen's bday ya! <333
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